Welcome To Dr. Beena Thomas
Dr Beena Thomas B.Sc, DHMS, MD, MBA ( Health care) is a Homoeopath with clinical experience of more than 30 years. She started her career by assisting the renowned late Dr Jugal Kishore in both his clinic as well as research studies. She has treated cases running from common cold, allergic disorders, variety of skin disorders and allergies, spinal conditions, urinary infections, renal and gastric conditions, COVID 19, etc.
She also worked as a guest lecturer at the Sur Homoeopathic medical college & Hospital, New Delhi for 10 years.
Dr Beena Thomas heads the Research & Development Unit of the SBL Pvt Ltd, the largest homoeopathic pharmaceutical company in India. Her work in the field of research has led to the development of various prestigious and valuable products for SBL. She is also the editor of the CME (Continued Medical Education) journal which deals with a various medical conditions and its homoeopathic treatment.
She is a medical instructor as well as a trainer and has organized multiple homoeopathic seminars all over India.
Dr Beena is also the medical consultant at SBL Clinic in Shrestha Vihar, Delhi.